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Thanks for the suggestions. Students can also advocate that when considering new professors thought and merit given to those of different social and racial locations. At George Fox Seminary some students are working toward a culturally and racially competent library along with moving toward a more responsible curriculum for all seminary programs/classes across the board in lieu of the now en vogue "cultural competency class." The Ivory Tower of Babel will fall.

Mitzi Smith

You are welcome, "TypingCircle." Sounds like George Fox is serious and taking some significant steps. Yes, students can and should advocate for a more diverse faculty.

Kenneth Ngwa

Thank you, Dr Smith for your post. Your concept of "the oppressive houses that race built and maintains" is quite provocative, i think, should we ponder some of its direct implications: who owns those houses? who rents, that is, funds them? To what extent are classrooms effective spaces for adequately addressing and dismantling institutionalized challenges? In other words, to what extent -- if at all -- is the struggle to eradicate racism complicated by the fact that, to paraphrase Zora Neale Hurston, the oppressed are kinfolks to the pharaoh? Thanks again.

Mitzi Smith

Thank you Dr. Ngwa (I presume). Yes, equally provocative questions you ask. Too often there is institutional uneasiness, oversight, resistance, passivity, and decisions, including hires, that help to maintain the house as is.

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