This blog started in response to the need for a forum on race and teaching theology and religion in the wake of the August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown and subsequent protests and police response in Ferguson, Missouri. However, we have purposively framed the blog more broadly than this single incident. Teaching for racial and social justice, dismantling the structures of white privilege in academia, and diversifying the faculty, the students, and the canon, are abiding concerns of the Wabash Center and many of our colleagues in the WabashNation.
We invite authors to send us 500 to 750 word essays on this topic for possible posting in this space. Send to: [email protected]
We will post blog texts here as we receive and edit them for posting. We encourage you to check this site frequently for updates. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to receive announcements of new postings. Or sign up on the right to receive announcements through email or your RSS feed.
Race Matters Teaching Tactics Published by ARTS Online
Nine contributors to the Wabash Center's “Race Matters” blog contribute short teaching tactics they have used to help students engage difference in meaningful ways.